The MA in Trauma-Informed Leadership is an inter/meta-disciplinary program that develops expertise in the theoretical components and practical/professional applications of trauma-informed care. The curriculum includes research training, expanded theoretical understanding, and opportunities for high level integration of knowledge into specific professional practice.
Students may pursue a graduate certificate in Trauma Informed Practice (15 hours) alone, or pursue the degree after completion of the certificate. The bolded courses below make up the Certificate in Trauma-Informed Practice. If an undergraduate student from the BPS program wishes to pursue a certificate in Trauma Informed Practice, at least three graduate courses must be taken at the graduate level once accepted as a non-degree seeking graduate student if two courses were previously taken at the undergraduate level). An MMCR student/graduate interested in earning the MTIL practice certificate must take at minimum 2 courses from the MMCR offerings as a certificate student since the maximum in transfer to another graduate program is two courses)
An MTIL student coming back to earn a MMCR degree can use a maximum of two MTIL courses as electives for the second degree and therefore will have to take additional courses to complete their electives (usually 2).
Similarly, up to two successfully completed graduate courses offered by other Dominican University academic units, regardless of degree earned, may be used for electives, with approval of the program coordinator. A maximum of 2 graduate courses can be used in transfer from another institution for electives in the MTIL program and none when earning a MTIL certificate
Any MCR course may be applied as an MATI elective.
The MA requires 33 hours of course work, with the following parameters: