2017-2018 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Undergraduate Education Programs
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The School of Education offers a major in a major in elementary education and undergraduate licensure programs in secondary education and kindergarten to 12th grade. The school also offers a five-and-a-half- to six-year combined bachelor’s and master’s program in special education, as well as an education minor for students who are not seeking licensure.
These programs are grounded in the values of scholarship, leadership, and service. University courses and early field experiences at school sites provide opportunities designed to enable the undergraduate candidate to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective teaching in today’s diverse classrooms.
All undergraduate programs meet the licensure requirements of the Illinois State Board of Education. Candidates who plan to teach in other states should consult the licensure requirements for those states and should elect courses within their undergraduate program that meet the special requirements of those states.
Requirements, regulations, and procedures outlined in this bulletin govern teacher licensure programs at Dominican University. Candidates wishing to work toward teacher licensure should study this bulletin and consult with advisors from the School of Education early in their college careers.
The undergraduate teacher education programs are designed to foster a commitment to research, reflection, and inquiry in the classroom; collaboration among individuals, institutions, and communities; a blending of theory and practice; consideration of multiple perspectives; and the effective use of technology as a teaching and learning tool. The overarching aim of our program is to cultivate teachers who share a set of core values that includes a commitment to social justice, an understanding of the strengths and needs of a diverse student population, and a dedication to equity and excellence for all students.
Dominican teacher education program graduates have the unique opportunity to experience a comprehensive program that includes the liberal arts and sciences core curriculum courses, content courses in the various liberal arts disciplines, professional and pedagogical education courses, and extensive supervised clinical experiences that focus on the development of practices essential to beginning teachers. As our graduates become successful educators, their work reflects the mission of the university, and their responsibility as educators to provide compassionate service, and promote a more just and humane world.
Field experiences begin in the first year of the program. Students pursuing secondary or K-12 licensure select an academic major from one of the university’s departments ensuring that candidates attain competence in the academic content that they plan to teach.
Admission to the Teacher Education Program
The first step for moving forward in the teacher education program is to submit your completed teacher education program application by following the steps below.
The following criteria must be met for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program:
- Pass EDUC 200 /ECED 200 (or equivalent course) with a grade of C or better
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75
- Meet ISBE test score requirement:
- EITHER pass the Illinois Test of Academic Achievement (TAP)
- OR confirm your score report meets the following requirements:
- ACT:
- Prior to 9/1/2015: Composite score of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 19 on the Combined English/Writing portion
- 9/1/2015 to 9/9 2016: Composite score of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 16 on the Writing portion
- 9/10/2016 and later: Composite score of 22 or higher and a minimum score of 6 on the Writing portion
- SAT:
- Prior to 3/5/2016: Composite score of 1030 (critical writing + mathematics = 1030 or higher) and a minimum score of 450 on writing
- 3/5/2016 and later: Composite score of 1110 (evidence-based reading and writing + mathematics = 1110 or higher) and a minimum score of 26 on writing and language
NOTE: ISBE will no longer require educators to have a passing writing score and a passing composite score on the same ACT or SAT score report. For more information, see https://www.isbe.net/Documents/act-sat-testing-in-lieu-of-tap.pdf
Transfer Students
Undergraduate students may enter the licensure programs by transferring specific credits from a two-year or four-year approved institution. Each program specifies courses that must be taken at Dominican. See the program descriptions below for more information. Transfer students are urged to pass the Illinois Licensure Testing System’s Test of Academic Proficiency or meet the ISBE requirements for the ACT or SAT prior to coming to Dominican. Transfer students are also encouraged to meet with an education advisor prior to their first registration at Dominican to review program and course requirements.
Continuation in the Teacher Education Program
The following criteria are required in order to continue as a candidate in the Teacher Education Program:
- A cumulative GPA of 2.75, as well as a GPA of 2.75 in professional education courses and in courses presented for the major
- A minimum grade of C in all courses presented for licensure (see the Teacher Education Program Manual for a complete list of courses)
- Acceptable dispositions ratings
A candidate who does not meet the above requirements is subject to the School of Education’s candidate intervention/remediation process. As part of that process, candidates and their advisors will develop an intervention/remediation plan for the candidate. The plan is designed to support candidates in addressing the criteria above that are not satisfied. If the plan is not successfully met, the candidate may be withdrawn from the program.
Admission to Clinical Practice
Clinical practice (student teaching) is the culminating experience of the licensure program. Candidates must apply to the School of Education and be formally accepted for clinical practice. Acceptance into clinical practice is determined on the basis of the candidate’s written application and the criteria listed below.
The criteria for acceptance are:
- Evidence that all education courses up to clinical practice will be completed prior to the beginning of the clinical practice semester
- Minimum grade of C in all courses presented for licensure
- Evidence of a passing score on the appropriate state content test by the time of application
- Documentation that 100 clock hours of field experience will be completed no later than the semester prior to clinical practice
- Cumulative education and major GPA of 2.75
- Approval of the candidate’s education advisor, and for secondary candidates, the academic advisor
- Dominican University background check
- Successful completion of the Student Teaching Application
These criteria must be met by the time of application to clinical practice, which is the beginning of the semester prior to clinical practice.
ProgramsBachelor of ArtsOther ProgramsCoursesEarly Childhood EducationElementary, Secondary, K-12 EducationSpecial Education
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