2017-2018 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
School of Education
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Mission Statement
Rooted in the Sinsinawa tradition, the School of Education at Dominican University improves the human condition through education. We develop and support effective educators who transform ideas and challenges into solutions that impact diverse schools and communities to create a more just and humane world. We respond to the challenge that with knowledge comes ethical responsibility. The Dominican educator is passionate and prepared to “go where the work is great and difficult.”
Vision Statement
“At the heart of ministry is relationship.” (Sinsinawa Dominican Constitution)
In the spirit of caritas and veritas, the School of Education at Dominican University will be a distinctive institution recognized for preparing effective educators who reach beyond the classroom and honor education equity as a basic human right and source of empowerment. Through signature programs and strategic alliances, we will develop passionate teacher-leaders who advocate for their students and families in a rapidly changing educational landscape.
Core Values
Rigorous scholarship, collaborative leadership, and a commitment to service
To pursue our mission, the School of Education and its faculty are committed to these goals:
- Align programs with standards of specialized professional associations and standards of the State of Illinois. (scholarship)
- Model research-based teaching practices. (scholarship, service)
- Promote and model respect and appreciation for diversity of all kinds. (leadership, service)
- Integrate technology as a source of knowledge, a tool for teaching, and an avenue for collaboration. (leadership, service)
- Foster candidate understanding and application of the connection between theory and practice. (scholarship, service)
- Prepare candidates to demonstrate competence in their respective content area. (scholarship)
- Collaborate with the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences in preparation of candidates. (scholarship)
- Challenge candidates to reflect on their teaching and learning experiences. (scholarship, leadership)
- Provide field and clinical practice experiences that engage candidates in diverse school settings through partnerships and collaboration with K-12 schools. (service)
- Develop partnerships with elementary and secondary school teachers and administrators who serve on the unit’s advisory groups. (leadership)
- Seek out and provide service opportunities for candidates within and beyond school communities. (service, leadership)
Teacher Candidate Proficiencies
The faculty of the School of Education, informed by specialized professional association standards and the Illinois State Board of Education standards, has identified candidate proficiencies that are shared across all of the programs it offers. The proficiencies are linked to the three critical conceptual framework elements of scholarship, leadership, and service. Through courses, field experiences, and clinical practice, candidates develop and demonstrate mastery of these proficiencies. The proficiencies are detailed below:
- Demonstrate competence in their respective content area and/or area of licensure in combination with competence in liberal arts and sciences. (scholarship)
- Engage in reflective practice in their course work and experiences in the field. (scholarship)
- Demonstrate the ability to design, deliver, and interpret the various forms of assessment/evaluation appropriate to their roles in the educational setting. (scholarship)
- Demonstrate knowledge of research-based teaching practices appropriate to their content area and proficiency with a variety of effective instructional methodologies. (scholarship, leadership, service)
- In acknowledgement of the impact of diversity on student learning and behavior, address socio-cultural differences, differentiate and create modifications appropriate for the academic, motivational, behavioral, and interest needs of students. (leadership, service)
- Demonstrate the ability to use technology for administrative and instructional tasks. (leadership, service)
- Demonstrate the ability to plan effective instruction, learning experiences, and school and classroom environments that allow all students to achieve. (scholarship, service)
- Demonstrate leadership in collaborating with colleagues, families, and students in responding to real-life problems in a multicultural society. (leadership, service)
Teacher Candidate Dispositions
The School of Education has identified eleven dispositions. These dispositions are expected from all candidates in all programs. Candidates are expected to demonstrate these dispositions in their work with colleagues, families, peers, and students. Through candidates’ assignments, course experiences, and performances in field and clinical placements, faculty will evaluate and provide candidates with feedback regarding these dispositions:
Critical Thinking - an analytical approach in reading, writing, research, and practice of one’s profession (Scholarship)
Ethical Behavior - maintaining confidentiality for P-12 students and their family, following the code of ethics appropriate to programs of study, following the university policy on academic integrity (Leadership, Service)
Commitment to Social Justice - analysis and response to injustices in the human experience by challenging social inequities, ensuring fairness, and demonstrating the belief that all children can learn (Leadership, Service)
Respect for Diversity - valuing differences as adding to the richness of the human experience and creating opportunities for the integration of the contributions of all members of society (Scholarship, Service)
Acceptance of Responsibility - embracing the tasks and duties that accompany the leadership and service role of an educator (Leadership)
Value of Community - recognizing one’s interconnectedness with others in the school environment and engaging in active outreach both inside and outside the school community (Leadership, Service)
Flexibility - demonstrating awareness and a proactive stance in considering the perspectives of others in making decisions that serve the interests of a diverse population (Service)
Collaboration - working together to plan and solve problems and creating new opportunities for growth (Leadership, Service)
Reflection - practices thoughtful self-evaluation on the range of one’s knowledge and skills as a process for continued professional growth (Leadership)
Generosity - reaches out to meaningfully engage all students by using a creative and informed approach to develop a positive and inclusive learning environment that values more than one way of knowing, learning, and teaching (Service)
Professional Behavior - conduct and communication that is appropriate for the audience and setting (timeliness, attendance, dress, language, respect, and other related professional behaviors) (Leadership)
A candidate’s status in the School of Education is subject to ongoing assessment to determine that each candidate is progressing in the attainment of the knowledge, skills and dispositions of an effective educator. In cases where a candidate’s dispositions in class or while participating in field hours or clinical practice raise concerns about his or her ability to perform satisfactorily in an educational environment, an intervention/remediation plan is put into place.
The plan is meant to support the candidate in demonstrating the expected dispositions. A similar process is put into effect when a candidate’s performance indicates that academic expectations are not met. Following implementation of the intervention plan, an assessment is conducted to determine whether the dispositional or academic concerns have been addressed and whether an additional plan needs to be developed.
Policy on Background Investigations
The School of Education at Dominican University is committed to the protection of all children and young people. To that end, it seeks to work with school districts and civic communities to make schools a safe environment for the student body. All candidates for licensure are required to submit to a national, state, and local criminal background investigation. Students and candidates may not participate in field experience until a background investigation is on file in the office of the College of Applied Social Sciences.
Licensure Requirements
To be recommended for Illinois State Board of Education licensure, candidates must complete an approved program, pass the required state tests, including the edTPA, and demonstrate the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified by the School of Education. In addition, the candidate must meet any other requirements specified by the Illinois State Board of Education. In some cases, the Illinois State Board of Education may enact new rules or legislation that result in changes in licensure requirements. Should changes occur, the School of Education is bound to adhere to the new regulations. As a result, candidates may be required to meet new requirements other than those that are identified in this bulletin, online, or other School of Education publications at the time they began their program of study at Dominican.
Illinois Licensure Testing System Requirement
Candidates seeking licensure in the State of Illinois must pass a series of tests administered by the Illinois Licensure Testing System (ILTS). The first test required for acceptance into the Teacher Education program is the ILTS Test of Academic Proficiency (formerly the Basic Skills test). Students may submit an ACT with Writing or SAT in lieu of the Test of Academic Proficiency if their score meets Illinois State Board of Education requirements. For more information, see www.isbe.net.For acceptance into clinical practice, candidates must pass the content area test in which they seek licensure by the time they apply to clinical practice, which is the beginning of the semester prior to enrolling in clinical practice. Candidates must pass the edTPA, which is completed during student teaching.
Registration information, study materials, and information about the tests, including information for persons with disabilities requesting accommodations, are available on the Illinois Licensure Testing System’s website, www.il.nesinc.com. Other test preparation materials for state tests are available from School of Education advisors.
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