Feb 16, 2025  
2019-2020 University Bulletin 
2019-2020 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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SPED 649 - Psychology and Characteristics of Students with Disabilities

3 hours
The purpose of this course is the study of the 13 major disability categories identified in IDEA with special attention to: learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, intellectual disability, attention deficit disorder, autism, other health impaired, orthopedic impairments and traumatic brain injury. The etiology, characteristics and impact of each of these disabilities on development, language development and language skills, learning and behavior of students at the preschool, elementary, middle, high school and post high school levels will be addressed. Candidates will review case studies, become familiar with issues within and across these disability categories, and engage in research on varied aspects of these disability areas. Considerations for ELL learners with suspected disabilities, and the distinction of language differences from language disabilities/disorders are addressed in this course. The impact of the diagnosis on family, the role of culture on the diagnosis of a disability and family impact, and related issues will be examined. Candidates will also become familiar with resources and sources of current information/research on these disabilities.

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