Feb 17, 2025
Undergraduate Bulletin 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Interfaith Studies Minor
In keeping with Dominican University’s mission and its goal of preparing students for global citizenship, the interfaith studies minor is designed to help students to explore, through dialogue, their own and others’ religious, spiritual, and value-based worldviews and traditions; to develop religious literacy involving multiple traditions; to identify within these traditions the bases for dialogue and cooperation; to explore the history of that dialogue and cooperation; and to engage persons and communities with diverse faith perspectives and worldviews to address contemporary social concerns.
Required Courses:
Twenty-one credit hours, including: - One introductory course (3 hours)
- Five elective courses (15 hours)
- Internship or capstone project (3 hours)
Elective Courses
Five elective courses are required, at least one of which must be from Category I below: Category I
Courses with a major interfaith focus: Category II
Courses with a focus on a single faith tradition: Category III
Courses with a signficant interfaith or religious emphasis or component: |