Undergraduate Bulletin 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
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The English department aims to develop knowledge and appreciation of literature in English and of the various cultures, beliefs, and experiences expressed in this literature, as well as the faculty of sound criticism and skill and grace in English expression as a means of personal development and professional preparation. ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesEnglish Writing CoursesEnglish 220-229: Explorations
Literature courses on varying topics, open to both majors and non-majors. These courses satisfy the literature core area requirement. English Literature CoursesEnglish 420-439: Topics in History and Literary Theory
A seminar for junior or senior English majors or minors offering advanced study, discussion, research, and writing focused on a literary period, genre, theory, theme, movement, or author(s). Topics and instructors vary from year to year; only one topics course is offered each year, in the fall. Students will be required to present a paper at Dominican’s Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Investigations (URSCI) symposium or a suitable alternative venue in the spring semester. Students will receive an IP grade in the fall until completion of their spring presentation. English: Advanced Study CoursesIndependent Undergraduate Research or Creative Investigation
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced, Senior Thesis Independent Research or Creative Investigation is a course in which students collaborate with faculty mentors on an ongoing faculty research project or conduct an independent project under the guidance of a faculty member. This directed undergraduate research or creative investigation culminates in a conference presentation, journal article, or other creative/scholarly project.
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