Jun 16, 2024  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Bulletin 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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LAS 229 - Who’s Stirring the Melting Pot?

3 hours
Religious groups at war with each other over sacred spaces and beliefs; migrants both legal and illegal in multicultural groups discriminated against; colonization and its lasting effects; God, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah; rich versus poor. Who is “the other”? Who is “your other”? More importantly, why is this person “your” other? Expanding on the theme of identify, this course will examine the concept of communities, how they are created, and how they have and should function. Through a multi-cultured voice, we will examine concepts such as love, hate, war, peace, tolerance, and tradition, analyzing them through theological and cinematic lenses in regard to our “melting pot” society. We will pay special attention to “outsiders” who come in and to “insiders” who are out of the mainstream societies. Most material will be international and multicultural.

Prerequisite(s): Sophomores only.

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