Dec 13, 2024
SOC 285 - The Racial and Musical Legacy of Memphis and the Mississippi Delta3 hours An exploration of the Southern roots of American music and its relationship to the struggles over civil rights in the 20th century, through a five-day excursion to Memphis and the Mississippi Delta. The experiential component of the course will be supplemented with readings, lectures, and musical performances. The trip is normally scheduled for the second week of June, from Wednesday through Sunday. Prior to the trip, students will meet for two workshops and an orientation, where the readings, the experiential component, and the culminating project will be discussed. This course will provide students with an introduction to the musical and racial legacy of this region, to the historical, social, economic, and political conditions in the delta, and the relationship among these influences and the civil rights movement.
Listed also as BWS 285 .
Prerequisite(s): Application and consent of the instructor.
This course will satisfy the multicultural core requirement.
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