Mar 14, 2025  
2022-2023 University Bulletin 
2022-2023 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

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LAS 114 - Your Social Self: Online and In Person

3 Credit Hours
This course examines the fluid nature of identities in the postmodern, online world. The course examines how people consturct their self(ves) and perform them in different contexts, including face-to-face and online situations. Through reflections, discussions, and activities, students explore how they have constructed, co-constructed, and performed multiple identities thoughout their lives, and how to be aware of how they do so and the effect of doing so. Along with the Living Buddha, Living Christ text, the course draws on various theories and research discussing the notion of the fluid self, from symbolic interactionism to the networked self, to consider how our selves manifest in spiritual, academic, familial, workplace, and more contexts.

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